Friday, October 14, 2011

Steve Jobs

Do what you love & Don't settle

These are two things that Steve Jobs said that I really loved and agreed with. When he said do what you love I really understood that. That is exactly what I told my husband I had to do when I gave up my job at Diesel Exchange for a job in childcare. I made fifteen dollars a hour, had good health insurance, and a nice 401K but I gave it all up for a job that pays eight dollars a hour and offers no benefits. My husband didn't want me to do that and even gave me a guilt trip about it. "You are hurting the whole family by giving all that up. What if something happens to us or the kids and we no longer have health insurance? How are we going to have money to retire if you give up the 401K?" He really tried to work on me to not quit but I just told him that I would rather go to work everyday and struggle financially with a job I love getting up every morning and going to verus a job that I do good financially but dread getting up every morning to go to. To me this was a no took me a long time to convience him. Sometimes he still questions it but he understands me a whole lot better since he had to make a similar decision a couple of years ago. He gave up a nice, secure job at Reliable Chevy (that he had for fifteen years) to start his own shop; his income dropped down drastically and his job security went out the window.

But looking back at all of it and the decisions we both had to make....We wouldn't change a thing.

We are both doing something that we love and therefore are a lot happier for it. The atmosphere at home has completely changed in the last five years. We both come home from work less stressed and we both don't mind going to work every morning. Our kids have both noticed a difference. Our hours at work are different so we have more time to spend together as a family.

Doing something you love is probably one of the best things a person can do for themselves. I have done it, my husband has done it, and we are both better people because of it.

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