Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My 1994 Published Poem

Here is a poem I wrote in 1994 for an English assignment. My librarian told me about a poetry contest and told me I should enter it. My poem was selected to be printed in the book Seasons to Come. It is published by the Library of Congress. This is one of my favorite writings.


His touch was heaven gentle and caring
She herself smelled like a flower garden in bloom
deep red emotions paralleled the setting of the sun
     and together they tasted ecstasy.
As they held hands and said "I love you"
     their souls became one for all eternity
The only sound other than the two lovers was the crashing waves.
The tide rushed in and out - in a hurry
     to leave the two lovers alone once again.
The ocean spray was salty and covered their bodies
     making them glitter under the sun like the sky
     on a cool, clear night.
Together they walked on the beach happily holding
     hands and dreaming of each other and their future still to come.
They looked at peace - those two lovers on the beach.

In and out the tide follows
dreaming of long ago people from a long ago time.
Then a couple approach, fingers intertwined,
and it was reminded of those people on the beach
who's love was...everlasting.

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