Monday, October 17, 2011

Ms. A

Not sure what to say....I like the class. It's different from other english classes I've had before. In here we focus more on writing and not on grammar. In the past it's been different. I find it funny that she has a daughter the same as age as mine. Some of the things that she has said that her daughter has said is something very similar to things I've heard my daughter say. I really don't know Ms. A well enough to really write anything about her on here. I know that she likes to bake. That's pretty cool. I like to bake also. I don't get to do it as often as I would like but when I have the chance I'm all for it. Sunday morning I made a batch of fudge brownies. The kids loved them. Last night my husband asked me where the brownies were because he wanted one. I laughed and told him that the children ate the entire pan before 1pm. I made the brownies when the kids were sitting at the table eating breakfast. I don't really like chocolate and I actually ate two of them myself; that is rare for me. Usually when I make something chocolate I only eat one little bite.

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