Monday, April 30, 2012

One Step Closer

          Friday one of my dreams came true! I have found someone willing to help me financially on opening my own center. Joey's Kids is about to be transformed from a dream to a reality!!
          Friday my husband came home from work and gave me wonderful news. One of our friends has agreed to help me with the start up cost of opening my own center. I am so excited! Really...I had to stop typing just now so I could once again jump up and down screaming with excitement like a five year old at Christmas. I was screaming so loud my cat's fur stood up, her back arched, she hissed at me, and then took off to hide under the couch. Guess she's not as excited as I am.
          I am finally one step closer to my goal! I knew it. My determination and hard work is paying off; just like I knew  it would. Our friend heard how hard I am working on this. He knows how much time and effort I am putting into this to make it work. He can see that I am going to school to get my degree in Early Childhood, college isn't cheap, so he knows how serious I am about this.
          I told him just because I have someone willing to put up the money is no excuse for me to run off half cocked and do this sloppy. As soon as this semester is over I am going to dedicate 100% of my free time this summer to getting all the paperwork together. I am hoping that by the end of the summer I will be looking for a building to begin my own daycare.
          This is amazing! I can barely contain my excitement. I feel like I am going to burst. It feels so good to have someone put that faith into me.
         He was talking to my husband today. He told my husband that he is excited. He really believes I can do this, and do it successfully. He even thinks in a couple of years I could even open another one or that I could build my own huge center.
          I think I am done typing for now on this subject. Just sitting here typing and telling everyone about this makes me feel like I am wasting time. The little time I have typing this blog could be spent creating my employee handbook, parent handbook, projected budget, and other things. I will go for now but I will update later.