Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm not sure what to write about this. The teacher wants us to write about one of our habits. I don't really think "habits" have as much to do with a person as does their personality traits.I am completely stumped on this writing blog. I would rather write about personality traits. I think that has to do with wheather or not a person becomes successful in life.

I am determined. My husband teases me because if I want something I will not let go of it until I get it. I am smart about it though. I don't want something that I believe is compeletly unrealistic. Everything I want and I fight for I truely belive that I can achieve it. I have achieved many goals in my life through tough DETERMINATION!

I wanted to have two children, my husband only wanted one. He said we could not afford to have two children. I matched his challenge and I proved to him that we could afford to have two. Because of that I have two children.

I was tired of my job, in the past. I worked crazy hours seven days a week. I decided that I wanted a Mon-Fri 8-6 job. I worked hard to find one and I got one. I had to change careers but I got what I wanted.

I decided that I was tired of not working my dream job. So I searched for a job in childcare. I found one that I liked and that let me keep my mon-fir 8-6 days/hours. I changed careers again. This time my husband was not sure it was the right choice. It involved a large paycut and benefits but I was determined that this is what I wanted. I have never looked back. To me this was the right decision.

I wanted to go to college. I was always regretful that I was not able to

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