Friday, September 9, 2011

An English Assignment I Liked

Last Wednesday in English we had a very nice sub but he made me dread class today. The entire class time on Wednesday was taken up with him telling us stories about his life. They were all funny and entertaining. He used good descriptive words that made you feel like you were "watching" the scene vs. just hearing a story. However, at the end of class he said that on Friday we would be telling a story. I thought that didn't sound like fun and though I have never skipped a class before but I thought there is always a first time for everything. I dreaded coming to class today but my conscience wouldn’t let me skip. When class started the sub gave us a blank piece of paper and told us to start folding it. I began to relax. Hah, guess he forgot he said we would be telling a story. He tells us the reason for the paper folding and instructs us on what to write on the paper. This assignment involved a little thinking but it wasn't difficult at all. After we are done he has us spend ten minutes free writing on one of the topics we just picked. I thought this was super easy. It almost felt like an elementary school assignment vs. a college assignment. The free writing was over a topic that we picked, not something someone told us we had to write about. How easy is that? After we did the ten minutes of free writing he had us tell the story to one of our classmates. I thought, damn; guess he did remember telling us we would have to tell a story in class. Oh well, this wasn’t hard either and we only had to tell one person…not the whole class. I guess coming to class today was worth it after all; because I now have some wonderful ideas for a few stories.

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